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Red Jasper Properties

Red Jasper

Stone Name: Red Jasper

Stone Specifics:
Stone of Stability 
The Supreme Nurturer
Stone of Emotional Stability

Stone Color: Red jasper is a rusty red color.

Keywords: Energy, Revitalize, Unity, Stability, Honesty

Stone Origin: During the Middle Ages, Red Jasper was also considered a stone for warriors and was said to increase their strength and courage. According to legend, a piece of Red Jasper was set on the hilt of ‘Balmung,’ the legendary sword of the Norse hero Siegfried. Additionally Red Jasper has long been credited for its supposed ability to stop hemorrhages and reduce pulse rate. In 1636, a lapidary described how a young woman was cured from chronic hemorrhaging by wearing Red Jasper.

Stone Properties: Red Jasper promotes tranquility and wholeness. This healing gemstone sustains and supports during stressful times and encourages a connection between you and the earth. Red Jasper grounds and assists in new beginnings. Red Jasper unifies all aspects life. It can help us feel safe and secure enough in our physical selves that we dare to more fully explore our spiritual selves. Red Jasper can help heal unhealthy feelings of shame or guilt, and breakout of a "victim" mentality or pattern. Red Jasper helps face fear of failure as well as fear of success. Red Jasper reminds us to help others. Red Jasper encourages honesty and to live honorably.

Magical Powers:
~ Red Jasper adds energy to your life force (like adrenaline)
~ Red Jasper can help with dream recall and analysis,
~ Red Jasper can be helpful in difficult pregnancies
~ Red Jasper teaches us to save ourselves and make better choices
~ Red Jasper encourages us to be true to ourselves and be our authentic selves
~ Red Jasper inspires a positive joyful attitude

Chakras: Root/Base, Sacral

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Scorpio, Leo

Location: Red Jasper is found in Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, England, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Namibia, Russia, Scotland, Slovakia, South Africa and the United States

Element: Earth

Mohs Hardness: 7

Red Jasper Properties

Red Jasper Metaphysical Properties

We are not doctors and are unable to give out medical advice. Healing crystals should be used as a complement to other therapies and not as a replacement for medical treatment, diagnosis, or examination. For medical advice, please consult a licensed healthcare specialist.

Simply because a crystal or stone is alleged to have one or more healing properties, either physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, it does not mean that you, personally, will definitely experience, or benefit from, any such properties. Any information you receive, whether orally, in written form or electronically, relating to crystals and stones from DejaVu Designs / DR Management, should be received and understood in the above context.

The use of stones or crystals as a wellness therapy is one of personal choice. While stones/crystals have been used historically, to relieve or prevent symptoms, the items we sell or recommend on our website, offer no guarantee of results.